Tips on how to Start a Canadian Home Care Company

Canadian Home Care Business15 years ago I started my own Canadian Home Care Company with absolutely no idea what I was doing.

I would love to tell you that I did all the right things and within a few weeks of launching we were off and running with a full caregiver team and a bunch of clients but that is not even close to true!

Early on I wasted a lot of time and money doing all sorts of the wrong stuff.

Now I get the chance to meet lots of young new business owners who want to start their own Canadian Home Care Company and they all ask me the same questions:

If I could go back in time and start a Home Care Business all over again, what would I do differently?

I get asked the question so often I decided I would write this article to share it with everyone!

So here you go, my top 3 things I would do differently if I was starting all over again:

#1 - Focus Online and Keep it Simple

When I started out I spent way too much time and money having a professional web designer build a complicated custom website for me.

On top of that I did not spend enough time creating 'evergreen' content that I could use for social media traffic referrals.

(NOTE: if none of this makes sense to you don't worry!  We built HomeCare 101 to provide resources to you to help you learn all these things!)

How I would do it now

I would start by using a simple website builder (Wix, Weebly, Shopify, SquareSpace, or even Wordpress) and build a clean 4 or 5 page site that I could use to start to build history with Google.

I would write 5 or 6 'evergreen' blog posts (meaning they'll still be relevant a year from now) and then I would use Facebook Ads and Google Ads to promote those with whatever money I had set aside for marketing. 

Voila!  You are officially findable where most people will find you!

#2 - Make sure you price yourself to pay yourself!

Most small business owners start out by pricing their services way too low.

They do this because they believe that since they are just starting out they have no justification to charge higher prices.  As a result they set up a business with low margins that means the business does a good job of paying everyone except themselves.

How I would do it now

Price yourself at the high end!

Remember that you are going to run your business with a really great service level and because of that you should never feel bad about charging the higher prices that your great service level justifies.

In my article The Financials of a Successful Home Care Business I give you some great outlines on exactly how to set your pricing to leave enough margin to pay yourself and provide great service.

Also, in the HomeCare 101 Starter Kit we provide a great cashflow worksheet to help you turn you price list into a monthly and yearly cash flow plan so you can see what you get paid!

#3 - Setup your policies and procedures BEFORE it gets crazy busy

At the beginning it feels like your business is going nowhere fast.  The phone does not ring that often and you find yourself with lots of a very precious commodity - FREE TIME!

Then, all of a sudden, the clients start to roll in and before you know it you're running around like crazy doing interviews, caregiver introductions, running to the bank, looking at offices, and hiring staff.

Before you know it you've gone from having your phone not ring that often to having a whole office of phones that never stop ringing!

How I would do it now

If I could go back and talk to myself in those really early days I would tell myself to take advantage of that early time to setup all my policies and procedures so that the rules for my employees are setup even before I start hiring them.

Policies about vacation time, how to book off sick, what the company uniform is, how payroll will be handled, are all much easier to setup in the beginning than when you're really busy.  So take advantage of the time!

You can save TONS of time by getting the HomeCare 101 Starter Kit that has everything you need to build your employee handbook and lots more!

If you want to talk to someone who has done it before. Book a consultation with me! 


Starting your own Canadian Home Care Business is one of the most rewarding things you can do if you decide you want to be an Entrepreneur.

I know because 12 years ago I started my own and went from right where you are now to providing thousands of hours of care every week!

I hope you enjoyed my 3 things I would do differently and feel free to leave a comment and I promise I'll respond!

 Purchase the Home Care 101 Complete Start Up Kit to put you on the fast track to starting your own home care agency!

You can get in touch with us by signing up for our newsletter. We send out freebies to our Home Care 101 subscribers to help you get started!


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If you're ready to take the next step in building your business then Click Here to get your copy of the HomeCare 101 Starter Kit.

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What operating system is this compatible with if I am to purchase your materials?
HomeCare101 replied:
Hi Janet, you can use Mac or Windows but you have to make sure you have access to Microsoft office as almost all the documents are either Microsoft Word or Excel files.

Cheers! Alyssa

Janet Nicholls

Hi I am a HCA and I want to have a business like this can u help how to start?
HomeCare101 replied:
Hi Patrick

That’s great! Yes HCA is a great background for home care! Have a look at our articles they’re a great place to start.

Cheers Alyssa


I am a registered nurse and would like to start a home base and mobile foot care clinic. where should i start?
HomeCare101 replied:
_Hi Cecilia

You’re in the right place! Have a look at our articles and our starter kit and let me know if you have any questions!

Cheers Alyssa_

cecilia dela cruz -larocque

I am a Social Worker and I want to start a residential group home. How can you help me and How may I reach you personally?
— Grace        May 11, 2021
Hi Grace that’s great! If you sign up for the email list you can just reply to the emails and it will come right to me. Good luck! Alyssa


Hello Alyssa, I would like to know more on how to start..Thank you


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