12 years ago I started my own Home Care business in Canada!
My name's Alyssa and not that long ago I was starting out just like you!
I was working as a nurse in a local hospital, and I knew I could do more to contribute to our broken health care system. I wanted freedom and independence in my lifestyle, I wanted the opportunity to be in charge and create a positive work culture, and I wanted to help seniors to stay safe at home to keep them out of over-full hospitals.
Starting my own private home care business seemed like the perfect fit. At first the idea was daunting. How would I set up the business? What kind of insurance do I need? How much do I charge clients? How do I manage payroll for employees? So many questions!
Although it was A LOT of work and it took me more than a YEAR to get everything ready, I stuck with it and eventually got my first client.
Fast forward 12 years and now, my business is more successful than I ever thought it could be. I have hundreds of employees, and the business earns over six figures EVERY month. That is WAY more than I could have ever earned as a nurse!! I want to help you to do the same!
I built Home care 101 to help caring people like you to get through the hardest part....getting started!
(You may not think of yourself as an entrepreneur yet....but you are. If you are even reading this page you are thinking about setting out on your own, something most people never even consider!!)
I know that starting a Home Health Care Agency is a big decision because we did it!
The process of getting your business registered, figuring out how to hire employees, and then actually providing quality care to clients isn't supposed to be easy. If it was EASY everyone would do it. It's not easy, but it is POSSIBLE. I know it's possible because I did it, and so can you!
Growing a home care business from nothing to now delivering thousands of hours of care every week is an unbelievable adventure. We are helping a lot of people! Don't you want to do that too??
I want to help you make it happen!
Trust me, I made a lot of mistakes along the way, that were totally avoidable. I just didn't have the experience in the industry and was a first-time business owner. The mistakes helped me grow and I learned so much from each set-back. I hope to help you learn from (and avoid) some of the mistakes I made.
(No promises that your entrepreneurial journey will be mistake free though!!)
If you imagine yourself as the boss, and as a community leader, you are already on the right path to being a successful home care business owner
Home Care is a big part of the answer to the aging crisis we are all facing together and I want to help you get started solving that problem!
You can purchase and download the Home Care 101 Complete Start Up Kit today to put you on the fast track to starting your own home care agency!
You can also get in touch with us by signing up for our newsletter. Feel free to send us your comments and questions. I love to connect with the Home Care 101 family. I also send out freebies to our Home Care 101 subscribers to help you get started!
Good luck and happy dreaming!
In Health & Good Home Care,
Complete Home Care Startup Kit